UrlText Applet version 1.01 Author : (c)1996 RJHM van den Bergh. rvdb@nedernet.nl This applet is free for non commercial purposes. Please send $10.-- to : RJHM van den Bergh Aldenhof 67-24 6537 DC NIJMEGEN NETHERLANDS or donate US $10.-- to BANKCODE : ING BNL 2A , BANKNAME : Postbank NV CITY OFFICE : Arnhem place : NETHERLANDS = NL MENTION : for account nr. 2839775 It's a compensation for my free time and expenses. Commercial users please pay the $10.-- Or make a small link to my site http://www.nedernet.nl/~rvdb DISCLAIMER : Because off the low price we do not except any claims. Using the applet is at your own risk. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS : 1 insert the following text in your homepage . Do it at the place where you want the shaking picture. Java applet download site 2 Also put the file UrlText.class at your providers computer. Also put the sound file to your providers computer. The Sound file must be off the au format!!(sun Ulaw) If you use this example at the same place as your homepage file. (Don't forget the letter casing , unix computers are case sensitive) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCRIPTION OFF APPLET TAGS : The code atribute tells the browser only the name off the java program So UrlText.class is the name off the java program. It's default expeted to be in the same directory as the html file This applet does not automaticly resize the applet. NOTE : You can change the place where the class file is by using the codebase attribute. This is an optional atribute. Example : note : I've set all picture adresses relative to the class file adress. For more info email me. Here you give up the lines that the applet must display. Start with Line 1. Line 0 will not be displayed. You can ad as much lines as you want. This parameter determines the speed in wich the line will appear. (delaytime to go from white text to black text) The greater this value the slower the text will appear. If you leave thsi tag away speed will be 40 This is the time the applets waits when the text is white The units are miliseconds. If you leave this tag away delay white will be 1000 ms. This is the same as above. The time to wait when the text is black(visible) If you leave this tag away delay black will be 2000 This is the url where the browser will jump to when someone clicks in the applet. The url must be a absolute adress starting with the protocol http://www. you can leave this tag away This is the soundfile that plays when the mouse is above the applet. You can leave this tag away If center=1 the text will be centered horizontal If you leave this tag away the text will be centered If the applet does not center correcty , you can give the y position off all lines. Most off the times you will not need this tag. So leave it away. This is the type off letter you use 0=plain 1=bold 2=italic 3=bold and italic. If you leave this tag away the text will be bold This is the height off your text lines. If you leave this tag away the fontsize will be 36 This is an optional parameter tag. If you omit this one the value will be true. If the value is false there will be no border Java applet download site This tag will be executed if a browser is used that doesn't support java. Any other Html tag can be used in place off this one. This tag lets the browser now that no more applet tags will follow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUGS : -1 Windows 95 and probably Windows NT will not display the correct cursor. The will display an arrow in stead of pointing hand. This is an error in the Windows Java API , and I can't do anything abouth this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ: JAVA.LANG.APPLETSECURITY EXCEPTION Some applet will not work if started localy with an Explorer 3.01 3.02 and 4.0. But they will work if started from the net. Microsoft made a very rigid security ristriction on applets. There where many complains abouth this restriction, because it makes it impossible to test applets localy. There where many complains abouth this restriction so microsoft made it possible to install another Java Virtual Machine on the Explorer. http://www.microsoft.com/java/download/dl_vmsp2.htm Note: that this download only works if you haven't start an applet. So close the Ms Explorer and restart it and go to this url. ------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL NOTE: There is a commersial version of the picture Show available for US 25.-- This applet loads an image just before it is needed. So it already starts displaying after the first image is loaded. The NON-commercial version starts displaying after all the images are loaded. So in the comercial version you can use as many pictures as you want. And still it will start displaying them faster as the NON comercial version. for more info email me. ------------------------------------------- Please report : Bugs comments suggestions etc to rvdb@nedernet.nl